Training Videos

Training call for Alchemy
STEP 1 : How to install Wordpress?
STEP 2 : How to install SSL for FREE (part1)
STEP 3 : How to install SSL for FREE (part2)
STEP 4 : Hassle-FREE SSL for $5
STEP 5 : How to install and Activate Alchemy
STEP 6 : How to setup Native Prompt Optin
STEP 7 : How to setup Custom Prompt Optin
STEP 8 : How to setup on scroll optin campaign
STEP 9 : How to setup on click optin campaign
STEP 10 : How to setup video locking optin campaign
STEP 11 : How to setup automated Push Notifications
STEP 12 : How to measure the success of your push notifications
STEP 13 : Alchemy PRO: Setup autopilot locked videos and Push Scheduling